
Green Card Lottery DV-2016 Began.

Green Card Lottery DV-2016 Began.
Started drawing a Green Card in 2014, but rather accepting applications for participation in the lottery DV-2016. Dates of the Green Card DV-2016, where to apply for a Green Card USA, the official website of the Green Card Lottery and other important questions, read answers in the article.

What is the US Green Card and what it is used to describe think not necessarily. If you browse our website, then in the previous post Green Card Lottery can be found, has been repeatedly described, advantages and features of the Green Card. But who do not know, read more here: United States Green Card.

Dates of the Green Card DV-2016

As in previous years, the current Green Card Lottery DV-2016 began in early October 2014, and receiving Bids will end in October 2014 - at the beginning of November 2014. More precisely, receiving Bids, i.e. registration in the Green Card Lottery DV-2016 was adopted on October 1, 2014 to November 3, 2014. And the results of DV-2016 learn only at the beginning of May next year, i.e. from May 5, 2015.

Official website of the Green Card Lottery (Green Card, Green Card)
If you are going to participate in the lottery DV-2016 yourself, then you need to go to the official website for DV-Lottery: and send your request.

Please note the domain name in the address bar, it must end in .gov - this proves that the site belongs to the state and it cannot be faked. That is, if you have found on the Internet any site to register for the Green Card DV-2016 and the site name (domain) does not end in .gov, then you are on a fraudulent site that misleads people.