
About Visa D on the Same Day, a Certificate From the Bank and Still Something.

Certificate From the Bank and Still Something.
Regarding the documents required information is in a very useful article written earlier:

1. We hand over documents to the student residence permit "grown-up”.
2. How to make a student visa in Austria.
3. Student visa for Austria - 2.

And now about the nature of the article or first paragraph.

Money, money, money...
Now I can say out loud that went all the way with the firm, but it is not ... All the way I went to this site, thank you very much to Alexander for his organization! Recently, in comments to any article I found the question about what kind of card in the bank to open for his son. In response, advised to open a base map for the parent and for the child extra in the bank UniCredit.

And on the one hand, it is true, and convenient. We ourselves have gone the same way. Our company has offered us to do so.

Even with all the documents in the window 6 have been successfully sent to remake the map. First storm outrage over age since I minor. No! Such a requirement, and everything on the card must be one person, the one who goes directly to Austria.

I had to do. UniCredit does not issue cards to minors. But Raiffaisen - issues. Help it really gave me the standard, at no additional signatures like "valid abroad, including in Austria." You can try to ask, but I have everything and so accepted.

The three most important words in life: you have opened visa!!!

The next item is already on the visa D. read in one article that can go forward and make the visa for 1 day. Can. But you had heard everything he can. They are not interested in your tickets in any direction.

The girl from the window 6 with a straight face said: "Visa D in the conventional case ready the next day." Honestly, if I had known that so soon would not bother, but the tickets were already back, and had nowhere to stay.

On the same day at the Embassy was a girl with my dad from St. Petersburg with the same information that I have. After a rather miserly conversation with the girl of 6 window, we both got a very vague information. Answer: "try to come between 14:30 and 16:00 may be, maybe not."

I came on the same day of receipt by three o'clock. That girl came first, waved passport: received. And we, and we - no!

15:45 - with trembling limbs came to the window and 6 ... yes, here it is my passport, and it cherished page. I do not overshadowed my joy and the phrase: "Tell all your friends and strangers that visa D is ready for the next day. There is no "one and the same!"

No I certainly did not say that I have to do on arrival at the place, but oh well ... Thanks to all those who have gathered here, and the founder of this blog - Alexander I know that I will do!!!

And my advice
Better sign before coming to the Embassy (in advance). This will save you time. Address given in one of the articles. But I duplicates:

If you do not plan to stay overnight in Moscow, it is better to call the embassy, ​​specify the exact information on the issuing of the visa. Telephone in this article.

And yet, if possible, watch out for themselves and their loved ones nerve cells better to spend the night in a hotel or with friends as possible.

I guess that's it. I hope that my article someone will be useful.